- Effective C - Meyers
- Effective C++ - Meyers
- More Effective C++ - Meyers
- The C++ Programming Language - Stroustrup
- Extreme Programming Explained: Embrace Change - Kent Beck <極限編程>
- Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code - Kent Beck <重構>
- The Mythical Man Month: Essays on Software Engineering <人月神話>
- Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software - Gang of Four <設計模式>
- Apprenticeship Patterns: Guidance for the Aspiring Software Craftsman - Dave & Ade <學徒模式>
- Enterprise JavaBeans 3.0 - Richard Monson-Haefel
- UML Distilled 3th Edition - Fowler
- Effective STL - Meyers
- Refactoring to Patterns - Kerievsky
- Advanced Qt Programming: Creating Great Software with C++ and Qt 4 (Hardcover) - Mark Summerfield
- Analysis Patterns - Fowler
- Code Complete - Steve McConnell <軟體建構之道>
- JQuery Cookbook - Cody Lindley
- 圓運動的古中醫學(上) - 彭子益
- 傷寒論新義 - 余無言
- 傷寒發微 - 曹穎甫
- 金匱發微 - 曹穎甫
- 胡希恕越辨越明釋傷寒 - 胡希恕
- 金匱要略新義淺注 - 陳修園
- 經方實驗錄 - 曹穎甫
- 自己開藥方(上)(下) - 張步桃
- 人體陽氣與疾病 - 李可
- 胡希恕讀傷寒雜病論 - 胡希恕
- 圓運動的古中醫學(下) - 彭子益
- 鄭欽安醫學三書 - 鄭欽安
- 血證論 - 唐容川
- 李可老中醫急難重症疑難病經驗專輯 - 李可
- 傷寒卒病論台灣本 - 陳淼和
- 醫林改錯 - 王清任